Tamarind juice

Tamarind Juice 3 Amazing recipes

Tamarind Juice 3 Amazing recipes

  Tamarind juice

What is Tamarind Benefits .

Tamarind is used in many ways. Like it is used in different dishes and many types of sauces and juices made from it, Tamarind has many medical properties, The leaves, seeds and flowers of tamarind are also use in traditional medicine  and its uses have numerous benefits; you can avoid many diseases As it contains B vitamins that keep your nervous System Healthy. Tamarind is effective for People with throat Infections. It is Best Use In Diabetes.By Using It, The disease of diabetes remains under control. Its use can prevent cancer. It have Long been Use Through Out History to treat fever, and sunstroke

It is rich in fiber, which is very good for digestion. By using it, You can keep yourself healthy and, at the same time, lose Weight if you are overweight. Consuming Tamarind is excellent for weight loss as it boosts your metabolism and makes you less hungry. Here i will teach you how to make tamarind juice in different ways

You can use in thick paste and also store  this paste in your refrigerator You can keep fresh tamarind in the refrigerator for about 3 month. Tamarind water stay fresh for up to 3 to 5 days . Tamarind can be purchased fresh,dried as a paste or powder online or in store .

So let’s move on to our first tamarind juice recipe that you can use to loose weight . Before making it, I will tell you how to use it
if you take a glass of tamarind juice before lunch and before dinner for a week, you will lose 2 to 3 Kg in Weight
So, let’s move on to the recipe

Tamarind juice

Recipe No: 1   ( For Weight lose )


Tamarind :           100 grams

water :                    200 ml

Salt   :                      Pinch


Soak 100 Grams of Tamarind into 50 ml Of Hot Water for 1 Hour . After 1 Hour, Strain well . While Straining The Tamarind, you must add a little water so that you will have a thick pulp. ( You Can Also Store Tamarind Pulp ) Now let’s go make the juice, Put 2 to 3 tbls spoon Tamarind Pulp in a glass,add a pinch of Salt,now add lukewarm water and mix it well, your juice is ready

drink this juice half and hour before lunch and dinner.

Tamarind juice

Recipe No : 2  (How To Make Tamarind Water)


100 grams  : Tamarind

250 grams  : Sugar

1 Tsp  : Black Salt

1 Tsp   Cumin (Roasted And ground )

1/4 Tsp  : Black pepper

1.5  Litre  : Water

Ice Cubes (as require)


Take 100 Grams Of tamarind in a bowl, Add a glass of hot water to it, and soak for 2 to 3 hours; it will soften the tamarind well after 2 to 3 hours. Mash it well with the help of your fingers so that the seeds are separated, and the pulp are separated; you must add half a glass of water during this process of mashing, as it will make it easier to strain; strain this mixture well with the help of a sieve, Now put this tamarind pulp in a jug and add sugar, black salt,black pepper and roasted ground cumin to it and mix it well. Now add water to it and also add ice cubes.

Make it in summers and it makes a very fun sweet and sour summer drink .

Tamarind juice

Recipe No : 3 (Tamarind Juice)


  • Tamarind pulp :               4 tbsp
  • Sugar  :                                 2 tbsp
  • Water :                                Half Cup
  • Black Salt:                           1/2 Tsp
  • Cumin (Roasted And ground ) 1 tsp
  • Ice  Cube


Put tamarind pulp in a blender, add sugar and water, and blend it for a few minutes. When the sugar dissolves in it, add roasted  ground cumin, black salt, and ice cubes and blend it again, then strain it.The delicious tamarind juice is ready. Take Out The Juice in The glass. 

See More : https://www.taste.com.au/recipes/traditional-lemonade/f140c7a5-d4c3-4f47-8194-30452d7f66c8





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